Kolejny medal z naszego archiwum. Produkcja wykonywana była na Bieg Dziecięcy Doliną Samy w ramach 3 Hochland Półmaratonu Doliną Samy – Kazimierz 27.09.2015 r. Medale wykonane zostały na podstawie projektu przedstawionego przez Organizatora, na drewnie grubości 6 mm.
This medal has been stored in our archives. The series was produced for a children’s run
in the Valley of Sama which took place on September 27th 2015 in Kazimierz and was partt
of the 3rd Hochland Half Marathon.. The 6 mm thick medals were produced according to
a design provided by the event’s organiser.If you are interested in purchasing similar wooden medals or statues, please email us
or call us on 0048698892824.
in the Valley of Sama which took place on September 27th 2015 in Kazimierz and was partt
of the 3rd Hochland Half Marathon.. The 6 mm thick medals were produced according to
a design provided by the event’s organiser.If you are interested in purchasing similar wooden medals or statues, please email us
or call us on 0048698892824.