Projekty medali wypalonych w drewnie na Grand Prix Morąga „Cztery Pory Roku” – Zima 20 marca 2016 r. Jest to bieg podsumowujący zimowy część Grand Prix. Projekty medali zostały przygotowane w odniesieniu do pory roku – zimy, na medalach zawarto logotyp Klubu Finisz Morąg oraz herb miasta Morąga.
These wooden medals are samples produced for a „Cztery pory Roku” (The Four Seasons) Grand Prix of Morag –
precisely for the winter part due to take place on March 20th 2016. It is a run which sums up the winter part
of this Grand Prix. The designs for these medals relate to winer and they also include a logo of the running
club „Finisz Morąg” and a town emblem of Morąg.If you are interested in purchasing similar wooden medals or statues, please email us
or call us on 0048698892824.
precisely for the winter part due to take place on March 20th 2016. It is a run which sums up the winter part
of this Grand Prix. The designs for these medals relate to winer and they also include a logo of the running
club „Finisz Morąg” and a town emblem of Morąg.If you are interested in purchasing similar wooden medals or statues, please email us
or call us on 0048698892824.